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It какие sony sound forge pro 10.0 free download full version free download этом marks the start of the Christmas shopping season in the United States.

Many stores offer highly promoted sales at discounted prices and often open early, sometimes as early as midnight [2] or even on Thanksgiving. Occurring on the fourth Friday in November unless November 1 is a Friday, Black Friday has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year in the United States since For centuries, the adjective "black" has been applied to days upon which calamities occurred.

Many events have been described as "Black Friday", although the most significant such event in American pdf expert black friday sale free was the Panic ofwhich occurred when financiers Jay Gould and James Fisk took advantage of their connections with the Grant Administration in an pdf expert black friday sale free to corner the gold market.

Fortunes were made and lost in a single day, and the president's own brother-in-law, Abel Corbinwas ruined. The earliest known use of pdf expert black friday sale free Friday" to refer to the day after Thanksgiving occurred in the journal, Factory Management and Maintenancefor Novemberand again in Here it referred to the practice of workers calling in sick on the day after /12951.txt, in order to have a four-day week-end.

However, this use does not appear to have caught on. Around the same time, the terms "Black Friday" and "Black Saturday" came to be used by the police in Philadelphia and Rochester to describe the crowds and traffic congestion accompanying the start of the Christmas shopping season.

Inthe city and merchants of Philadelphia attempted to improve conditions, and a public relations expert recommended rebranding the days "Big Friday" and "Big Saturday"; but these terms were quickly forgotten. The use of the phrase spread slowly, first appearing in The New York Times on November 29,in which it still refers specifically to "the busiest shopping and traffic day of the year" in Philadelphia. Although it soon became more widespread, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported in that retailers in Cincinnati and Los Angeles were still unaware of the term.

As the phrase gained national attention in the early s, merchants objecting to the use of a derisive term to refer to one of the most important shopping days of the year suggested an alternative derivation: that retailers traditionally operated at a financial loss for most of the year January through November and made their profit during the holiday season, beginning on the day after Thanksgiving. Black Friday, under this theory, is the beginning of the period when retailers would no longer be "in the red", instead of taking in the year's profits.

Since the early 21st century, there have been attempts by U. Retailers outside the US have attempted to promote the day to remain competitive with US-based online retailers. In more recent decades, global retailers pdf expert black friday sale free adopted the term and date to market their own holiday sales. The day after Thanksgiving has been windows enterprise pro free as the beginning of the United States Christmas shopping season since The practice may be linked with the idea of Santa Claus parades.

Parades celebrating Thanksgiving often include an appearance by Santa at the end of the parade, with the idea that "Santa has arrived" or "Santa is just around the corner" because Christmas is always the next major Christian holiday following Thanksgiving.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many Santa or Thanksgiving parades were sponsored by department stores. Department stores would use the parades to launch a big advertising push. Eventually, it became an unwritten rule that no store would try doing Christmas advertising before the parade was over. Therefore, the day after Thanksgiving became the day when the shopping season officially started. Thanksgiving's relationship to Christmas shopping led to controversy in the s.

Retail stores microsoft office 2013 professional plus free have liked to have a longer shopping season, but no store wanted to break with pdf expert black friday sale free and be the one to start advertising before Thanksgiving. For this reason, inPresident Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a presidential proclamation proclaiming Thanksgiving to be the fourth Thursday in November rather than the last Thursday, meaning in some years one week earlier, in order to lengthen the Christmas shopping season.

InAmazon. Amazon repeated the practice in andand other companies began offering similar deals. Analyst Marshal Cohen of The NPD Group claimed in that Black Friday is declining in favor of online shopping[19] and that the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated this process.

The pandemic also resulted in holiday deals being offered over a longer period of time, even as early as October.

Market research company Numerator said sellers of clothing, tools and other items considered nonessential during lockdowns were not promoted as heavily because lower production meant less available to sell. For many years, retailers pushed opening times on Black Friday earlier and earlier, eventually pdf expert black friday sale free midnight, before opening on the evening of Thanksgiving. InKmart opened at 7 P. Two years later, a number of retailers began opening at 8 P.

In subsequent years, other stores have followed this trend, opening earlier and earlier on Thanksgiving, or remaining open all day, beginning in the early morning hours. Retailers have received pushback from some consumers over opening on Thanksgiving Day.

Black Friday is not an official holiday in the United States, but California and some other states observe "The Day After Thanksgiving" as a holiday for state government employees. It is sometimes observed in lieu of another federal holiday, such as Columbus Day. Many non-retail employees and schools have both Thanksgiving and the following Friday off.

Along with the following regular week-end, this makes Black Friday week-end a four-day week-end, which pdf expert black friday sale free said to increase the number of potential shoppers.

Black Friday is a shopping day for a combination of reasons. As the first day after the last major holiday before Christmas, it marks the unofficial beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

Additionally, many employers give their employees the day off as part of the Thanksgiving holiday week-end. In order to take advantage of this, virtually all retailers in the country, big and small, offer various sales including limited amounts of "doorbuster" items to entice traffic.

For many years, it was common for retailers to open at 6 a. The early s have seen retailers extend beyond normal hours in order to maintain an edge or to simply keep up with the competition. Friday evening. Forever 21 went in the opposite direction, opening at normal hours on Friday, and running late sales until 2 A. Saturday morning. Historically, pdf expert black friday sale free was common for Black Friday sales to extend throughout the following week-end. However, this practice has largely disappeared in recent years, perhaps because pdf expert black friday sale free an effort by retailers to create a greater sense of urgency.

The news media usually give heavy play to reports of Black Friday shopping and their implications pdf expert black friday sale free the commercial success of the Christmas shopping season, but the relationship between Black Friday sales and retail sales for the full holiday season is quite weak and may even be negative.

Inspending volume on Black Friday fell for the first time since the recession. However, the U. Christmas creep has been cited as a factor in the diminishing importance of Black Friday, as many retailers now spread out their promotions over the entire months of November and December rather than concentrate them on a single на этой странице day or week-end. On April 23,". InNeil Stern of McMillan Doolittle said, "Black Friday is quickly losing its meaning on many fronts," because many pdf expert black friday sale free opened on Thanksgiving, and a lot of sales started even earlier than that.

Online shopping also made the day less important. Inan article in Ad Age magazine stated that "an American capitalist tradition Aftermany were traveling for the deals across the border. Starting in anddue to the parity of the Canadian dollar compared with the American dollarseveral major Canadian retailers ran Black Friday deals of their own to pdf expert black friday sale free shoppers from leaving Canada.

The year saw the biggest Black Friday to date in Canada, as Canadian retailers embraced it in an attempt to keep shoppers from travelling across the border. Before the advent of Black Friday in Canada, the most comparable holiday was Boxing Day in terms of retailer impact and consumerism.

Black Fridays in the U. It is the day when emergency services activate contingency plans to cope with the increase in workload due to many people going out drinking on the last Friday before Christmas. Contingencies can include setting up mobile field hospitals near City Centre nightspots. Traditionally, Boxing Day had been considered the biggest shopping day of the year in the UK. That year, police forces were called to shops across Britain to deal with crowd control issues, assaults, threatening customers, and traffic issues.

In Mexico, Black Friday was the inspiration for the government and retailing industry to create an pdf expert black friday sale free week-end of discounts пост microsoft office access 2016 freetrial free порекомендовать extended credit terms, El Buen Finmeaning "the good weekend" in Spanish.

On this week-end, major pdf expert black friday sale free extend their store hours [68] and pdf expert black friday sale free special promotions, including extended credit terms pdf expert black friday sale free price promotions.

The two reported the biggest Black Friday sales in Hundreds of retailers announced their participation in the campaign. The holiday shopping season in India has traditionally been aligned around the "festive period" of major festivals usually falling around October, such as Diwali. India's Independence Day 15 August pdf expert black friday sale free also recently attracted similar events.

Nonetheless, the concept of Black Friday has also been imported into the subcontinent via international retailers—a move that influenced some Indian retailers to also adopt the promotion.

French businesses are slowly introducing the Black Friday custom into the market. Retailers favored the very American term "Black Friday" to "Vendredi noir" in their advertisements. On November 20,the French government finalized an agreement with e-commerce businesses like Amazon and supermarket chains to postpone Black Friday promotions by a week. Discounted shopping promotions were to begin on December 4 instead, pdf expert black friday sale free physical stores shuttered during the COVID pandemic were allowed to reopen.

In Germany, "Black Friday" retailer advertisements refer to "Black Week" and "Black Shopping" in English with sales lasting an entire week excluding Sundays when most retail stores are closed. During this sales period, stores keep their normal working hours. Although goods are offered at reduced prices, the prices are not cut significantly more than normal weekly price reductions.

Apple was the first company to run a special Black Friday campaign for the German market in In Germany the term "Black Friday" was registered as a wordmark in December The trademark protection has thus essentially lapsed. InSwiss retailer Manor was the first to launch a special Black Friday promotion.

The year after, most Swiss retailers launched special offers during the Black Friday Week. It is estimated that customers spent around million Swiss Francs on Black Friday In recent years, Singles Day got pdf expert black friday sale free and more important in Switzerland. This shopping day could replace Black Friday as the most important shopping day in Switzerland in [87].

In Australia the term is controversial[88] [89] in Australia Black Friday refers not to shopping at all but to the devastating Black Friday bushfires which occurred in Victoria — Twitter users had to use the hashtag osublackfriday, which allowed them to follow along and tweet their favourite deals and discounts from stores.

Purchasing online gave customers free shipping and free iTunes gift cards with every purchase. In addition to this, numerous stores in the country run Black Friday promotions in-store and online throughout the country. Black Friday started picking up in New Zealand around In NorwayBlack Friday started as a publicity stunt campaign back in to increase the sales to the shopping mall Norwegian Outlet.


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